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Over the past three years the MGAFC and MGJAFC clubs have seen significant growth, with the addition of Senior Women’s and QFA teams, while our juniors continue to grow and be competitive across all age groups. We are proud of our heritage and our culture as a Community Club in SE Qld.

Copy of Copy of Copy of Power of One A4.

Throughout 2020, we have had the opportunity to evaluate the state of the club, and have spent significant time and resources reviewing our Clubs’ position to ensure we continue to remain strong and viable well into the future.


This evaluation has led us to explore the merging of our junior and senior clubs under a ‘one club’ entity. We have consulted with the Vulture community and other stakeholders more broadly, to ensure everyone involved with our club has a voice on this decision. Following this review, a ‘one club’ proposal has been formed that will combine the strengths of both clubs and place the Vultures in the best position to ensure its continued success moving forward.

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Below you will find the proposal document including the proposed constitution which have been reviewed and received unanimous acceptance of this proposal by the MGAFC and MGJAFC committees. 

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Proposal Final.png

MGAFC One Club Proposal

MGAFC Board Structure Proposal


MGAFC Proposed Constitution


Southside Toyota Oval

(Ron McClennan Oval, Dittmer Park)

Cnr Logan & Klumpp Roads

Upper Mt Gravatt Qld 4122


PO Box 731

Mt Gravatt Qld 4122

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