A fabulous afternoon was had by all who attended the club’s inaugural Fundraising lunch held at Queensland Cricketers club on Friday 17th September. Hosted by guest speaker Richard Champion who entertained us with stories from the AFL, guests enjoyed an afternoon of fabulous food, drinks and socialising as well as some raffles and auctions that raised some valuable funds for the club.
A huge thank you to Andrew and Grant Boman from Ray White Mt Gravatt for doing an amazing job with the auction of memorabilia as well as BT from Taylormade Memorabilia for organising and donating many of the auction items. The club looks forward to building this fundraiser into an annual event and looks forward to a bigger and better sports lunch in 2022.
If you missed out on this years fundraising luncheon, but would still like to contribute to the club, you can make donations at any point in the year via the Australian Sports Foundation.
